Thursday, July 26, 2007


Care. I insist. it has to happen, because without it, things die - ideas, art, music, relationships, and life in general. Without care, art goes to the priveleged few. Ideas are quashed faster than flame in a vaccuum. Relationships turn dispassionate. Music without care leads to the recording industry - perhaps the worst fate of all, hahaha.

All spiritual beliefs depend on care - weather showing your faith to others, showing yourself you have a system of beliefs, or even in a negative example, becoming comfortable in your belief system to use it as a crutch to prevent positive change.

Care happens in any event, except indifference - which I have for several ideas out there. Those ideas that should die should be met with indifference. Those that need life, positive or negative, need care.

I am indifferent to several things, but telling you here would imply caring :)

Tune out things that aren't important, and care about and change things that are important - or reinforce things that don't need change by caring for them as they are.

Anyway, the OX tractor dealer in Toronto hasn't returned my email asking for an electric lawn tractor quote. I wonder if they care, or if they want the idea to die? I know it would be difficult to get it to where I live, but once it's here I could probably sell them on commission.

Also, we aren't in a position to change our society for the better, yet, so how can we change a different one? We're busy investing in oil - literally throwing our earnings into a fire. We have so many laws that we can't steer away from our course without...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.